Sunday, November 15, 2009

"He's Sooo Good!"

That's the compliment I got today at church. I accepted it graciously, although I know this good behavior in church has gotten to be a rarity. So, I told Little Man how proud he made me again and again, while we were on the way to the grocery store afterward. This wasn't just any trip to the grocery store either, it was the "donut" bribery reward trip!

Of course as we walked around the store I couldn't help thinking what happened differently before church this morning to make Little Man behave so well? Could it have been that he was allowed more time to play? Was it that I had him help me organize some things in my recipe book? Did he just get more Mommy time before we went there? Sometimes I just don't know, so right now I've decided just be thankful that I have such a good boy...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Baby Echaniz Blanket

Today I finished the "Little Boy Blue" blanket for our friends down the street! I'm so happy with how it turned out! This afternoon when I gave it to them at the baby shower, it turned out to be just what they were hoping for. I still think there is nothing quite like a homemade gift, especially when it comes to baby keepsakes. I hope it is enjoyed for years to come!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

It might seem a little early...

I know that it might seem a little early to have changed my blog to a Christmas theme, but I'm so in the mood. I'm spending quite a bit of my time, that I'm not busy with Little Man anyway, on handmade Christmas presents for family members. Normally I just feel the crunch to get the presents bought in time to be under the tree, but this year I feel like I might have just been a little too ambitious with things I wanted to make myself to get it done in time. Hmmm... the countdown is on, 46 days to go and, oh, only about a dozen presents to finish up!

I will post pictures of my handmade things after Christmas, I wouldn't want to ruin the gift for anyone!